The video on transformational change by Jim “Mattress Mack”
Mclngvale and Stanley McChrystal was instrumental and encouraging.
In the Gallery Furniture video, Jim "Mattress
Mack" McIngvale faces a situation in which cultural change was required
due to internal and external situations. The changes that Jim was face
was a culture of the little structure in a declining market due to external
factors. After Jim read a book about the influence a leader can make, he went to work and made changes to the way he
did business. According to Brown (2011), organizational transformation can be
defined as “drastic, abrupt change to total structures, managerial processes,
and corporate culture. This definition is in line with what Jim decided to do,
because he felt he needed to change due to the changing times. The Gallery
Furniture Company had a strong culture; but after the new implementation it
became a company workers love to work at and customer love to shop at. Jim
implemented a training program for employees on how to improve the organization
by building relationships with customers. Jim also implemented a customer
follow-up program to aid in the sales department; this simple technique
increases the sales dramatically. I think Jim was a model leader and he coaches
his team well. One of the ways to model desired behavior is to have a few
leaders in the organization show everyone how to practice desired behaviors.
(Brown, 2011).
General McChrystal talked about being a great leader. He
talked about the foundation of an effective team and the importance of being a
leader that listens and is compassionate. He emphasizes that leaders are
allowed to fail and its shape the way the team learns. It’s about learning from
the mistakes in order to improve and not make the same mistakes. McChrystal
also discussed the Army Ranger creed, one of nine parts, “I will never leave a
fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy”. I think this is a great
trait and culture of the army and it’s impeding in every single soldier.
Both Jim McIngvale and General Stanley McChrystal are
amazing leaders with a long resume of experience. We can all learn from their
willingness to be the best leaders they can be.
Brown, D.R. (2011). An Experiential Approach to Organization
Development (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
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